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The Whispers of Shadows (The Fifth Kingdom Book 1) Page 6

  She looked at him curiously. “Your family has already done too much for me,” She smiled, “but I suppose it would be rude to refuse.” She sat at the table and looked up at him eagerly. He pulled the small box out of his pocket and opened it revealing a ring with a green emerald stone and a gold band.

  “There is a jeweler in the town market. He was quite persuasive with this ring. He insisted it would be the only item worthy of you. I suppose because it matches your eyes.” She stared at it in silence so he continued. “I had it inspected quite thoroughly. I assure you it’s genuine. I thought you would like it but perhaps you would have preferred something else? It’s not too late for me to trade it.”

  She looked at him then. “No. It’s beautiful. I have nothing like it. It’s just that it looks so familiar. I’m not sure why. Maybe my mother had one like it.” She laughed but her eyes stayed set.

  “The jeweler told me it was the only one of its kind. Princess if you don't like it I will take no offense—“

  “Of course I like it. It was very thoughtful of you. Please, will you put it on my hand?”

  Matthew took the ring from the box and grabbed her hand and slid the ring on her finger. A sharp pain crawled up his arm. He released his hand from the ring as the Princess retracted her fingers away from him.

  “I hurt you!” She said as she stepped toward him.

  “No,” he said quickly. “It wasn't you Princess, it was—” But what could it have been, he thought. “It was nothing.”

  “Are you certain you are not hurt?”

  His arm throbbed but he smiled as brightly as he could manage for her benefit. “Yes, I am sure.”

  She looked at him for a moment concerned, and then returned his smile. She turned away and lifted a gray rectangular case she left where she was sitting.

  “My father didn't give me many coins to spend while I’m here, but the townspeople have been very kind to me. I bargained with one of the vendors for hardly anything at all. I hope you like it.”

  He opened the rectangular case and revealed a smooth steel dagger. The hilt was a deep bronze with blue sapphires and the blade was a dark gray. He shifted the steel in both hands and wrapped his palm around the bronze hilt. “It’s magnificent. The cut of the blade is not something common anymore. The steel is a bit thicker and putting sapphires on a blade was done for royalty centuries ago. Where did you say you got this?”

  “What does it matter? “It was meant to be yours.” She wrapped her arms around him. “Happy Birthday my Prince,” Lucinda pulled away from him and looked around the room. “Is all this cake for us? Did you take the baker hostage?” She laughed and spun around the room. She lifted her hand in front of her and stared at the ring. “I can’t remember ever having such a wonderful birthday; not since mother passed.”

  “It’s still morning. The celebration has not even begun.”

  She looked at him sadly. “But the party will also mean that I have to say goodbye. Goodbye to you, goodbye to the kingdom, goodbye to my training. Your father said he will talk to my father and see if Geenessa can stay with us for the year. Honestly, I don't think there’s anything left for her to teach me that I couldn't learn on my own, but I would enjoy her company.” She raised her palm to the table of cakes and set the table with two cakes, jam and tea. She laughed quietly. “In the beginning of summer I would have turned the entire table over. How far I have come?” They sat at the table and enjoyed the meal of tea and cakes. Matthew had never seen her so happy. Her eyes were bright and she smiled at him fondly as she ate, but he still thought of the dream and Geenessa’s story.

  He put his palm over the hand that she wore the ring. “Lucinda, have you ever heard of the fifth kingdom?” Her smile faded and she retracted her hand from his.

  “The Fifth Kingdom.” She repeated. She closed her eyes and put her hands on her head. The table shook, spilling over their tea. “You’re remembering?” She faced him fully and grabbed his arms. “Tell me, what do you remember?”

  “Remembering?” He thought about his dream. He felt the blade of a knife by his neck and a sharp pain. Nycilla, I’m sorry. I’ve failed you. Thomas had said as he was murdered. A second chance was all he wanted. To be with the woman he loved in peace. Yes, he was remembering but these memories were not his own. Were they? He wondered. He wasn’t so certain now. The memories were so vivid he felt as if he had lived them. If the legend was true then he wanted the kingdom to be restored and the queen and her prince to be together after so many years apart. But how was it possible. They had died centuries ago. “My lady—“ Matthew began.

  The door opened and one of the castle guards walked in and knelt before them. “Forgive me for the intrusion, my lord, but the lady’s father has arrived.”

  She dropped her arms and turned toward the guard. “My father?” She asked in confusion.

  Her Father, King Hamlyn of the East Kingdom, He thought. He was Prince Matthew of the West Kingdom and she was Princess Lucinda of the East. These memories of the fifth kingdom are not ours. He said firmly to himself. Matthew gently grabbed her hand again. “Don't you remember, Lucinda? Your father and your sisters have come from the east to join us for the party tonight, and to take you home in a few days.”

  She stood up suddenly. “My father! Oh my God, I must greet him. He’ll think I lost all my manners while I’ve been away.” She turned to Matthew and bowed low to the ground. “This has been wonderful. I will cherish your kindness all my life.” With that she rushed out the door.

  Chapter Ten

  It had only been a summer’s time since she had last seen her father but she was nervous to be reunited with him. Do not bring shame to our kingdom. Those were the last words he had told her before she departed. She had failed. The west knew too much about her abilities now. What her father had tried to stifle for over fifteen years she had revealed in one summer. She rushed toward the throne room to find Prince John at the doors waiting for her.

  “Princess,” He extended a hand out to her. “Happy Birthday.” She patted her dress down and fixed the sapphire around her neck before grabbing his hand. There were slow footsteps behind her. “Brother, good. We can all greet King Hamlyn together.” Matthew was staring at her strangely. She extended her other hand to him and he grabbed it with his own, not averting his eyes from hers.

  Prince John led them through the doors of the throne room. “Ah, there are our children.” King John smiled and next to him stood her father. He was slim and well-built with his black and gray hair falling to his shoulders; longer than she remembered it. His beard was cut thin and his face was stern as was it always. When their eyes met, he nodded to her.

  “Your Majesty,” The princes said in unison kneeling before her father. She knelt with them bowing her head not wanting to meet her father’s eyes again.

  “My sons have grown fond of your daughter. The entire kingdom has. It is very hard to say goodbye to her. “

  Prince John offered her his hand to help her stand. Her father stared at her and finally smiled. “She is like her mother. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her. I owe your kingdom a great deal for taking her in. I know her mother is smiling down from the heavens. I hope my daughter was no trouble to you?”

  “None at all, it would please us for her to return next summer, or sooner if it suits you.”

  Her father laughed. “That is kind of you, but this time next year my daughter may be spoken for. She has many admirers but I insisted they wait until she spent the summer here before making a formal proposal for her.”

  “Be sure not to give her to the first offer. She may have better suitors to come.”

  “Father,” Lucinda interrupted. “Where are my siblings and stepmother? You did bring them with you, did you not?”

  King John answered. “Your stepmother was not up for the journey with your young brothers. Your sisters are resting but I’ll have you taken to their room. They need their strength for the celebration tonight.”

“Thank you your Majesty.” She responded to King John. “Father,” Her voice shook. “I have missed you.” To her surprise her Father looked as if tears were about to come from his eyes. They didn’t but he stepped forward and embraced her.

  “Your absence has been felt in the Kingdom my precious one.” He said softly to her.

  She was led out of the throne room and taken to her sisters. As she approached the room where her sisters rested, she saw Commander Jonathan leaning his head against the door. He looked startled when he saw her.

  “My lady.” He said with a bow. He averted his eyes from her, but Lucinda thought she saw the faint traces of tears.

  “Is everything alright Commander?”

  “Yes of course! Your sisters are resting. They will be very pleased to see you.” He bowed curtly and left her.

  Drissa had reached her eleventh year and sweet Erica would be six in a few short months. They were asleep when she entered but she sat by their bed until they woke. They showered her with hugs and kisses and started speaking rapidly about their summers. Lucinda smiled and commented politely but her mind was far away from them. Married this year, she thought. She knew it’s what her father wanted but she had not thought about it for some time. How could she be a wife? Who were these admirers? What if her husband didn't understand her powers? What if he was a cruel man and locked her away. She could not do it again. She would not do it again. She would not hide who she was anymore.

  “My lady,” her handmaiden was at the door. “It’s time to dress for the celebrations.” Ashlen had done a marvelous job with finishing her dress. The bodice was gold with lace sleeves and the skirt ballooned out in a deep green silk. It was heavy but she never thought she looked so lovely in her life. “The Prince will be very pleased!” Her handmaiden teased her as she tied her hair into a thick bun on top of her head. She looked down at the emerald ring Matthew had given her for her birthday. She knew why it looked so familiar but she didn't want to worry him. It was the same ring she saw in her dream last night. It was another dream of the Ancient Queen. She was crumpled on the floor of her throne room by a large box. She had a letter in her hand, and Lucinda saw the ring upon her finger. Her guard opened the box and she wept loudly. I told him I would return! I promised him! I am too late! The queen cried. That’s when Lucinda woke up. Geenessa had told Lucinda more about the old queen a few weeks after her first dream. Legend said that the queen had her own kingdom amidst the Green Sea, and she was more powerful than any of the four kings. Yet, they became jealous of her and killed the man she loved before invading her kingdom and setting her on fire. Lucinda knew what was in the box in her dream and was glad she couldn't see inside. Matthew had asked her about the fifth kingdom. She remembered him asking but she couldn't remember what she had said to him before the guard walked in. What did he know of the story, she wondered.

  She walked into the main hallway after helping her sisters get ready. Her father and his men were waiting for them. “Happy birthday my daughter,” Her father took a small trinket out of his pocket. It was a gold thin chain with a large emerald at the end. “It was your mother’s. Before she passed she made me promise to give it to you. I was waiting for the right time.” He smiled and locked the necklace around her.

  The tears swelled up around her eyes. “Father, it’s all I ever wanted.” She admired her mother’s necklace for as long as she could remember. Her mother wore it every day and she was surprised that it was not around her neck when her mother was buried. She had thought her father had taken it, but she was afraid he was saving it for Drissa or Erica.

  “She wanted you to have it. You have made me proud. King John gives you high praise. He said you were like his own daughter. You’re mother knew there would be a governess here to help you control your curse.” They started to walk toward the courtyard where the celebrations would begin.

  “Yes Father. I am so much better now. I can bring so much good to the kingdom. You don't need to fear. I will train harder and learn to completely control it. Look.” They entered the courtyard, and she extended her hand out and touched an empty bush right at the entrance. The bush bloomed with white roses.

  “Lucinda!” Her father yelled and pulled her back inside the castle. “What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?”

  “Father, it’s okay—“

  “I sent you here to learn to control your powers so that you can be a normal girl, not feed into them! What has the governess been teaching you? I will have her head.”

  She looked at her father pleadingly. “Father please understand! She did teach me control, but I will never be a normal girl. I was born with a gift and I am finally learning how to use it properly. That’s what mother wanted. You know it’s true.”

  “Enough.” Her father said in a low growl. “You are causing a scene. We will discuss this when we return home. Don’t ruin this day for your sisters.”

  “Discuss it? You mean you will lock me up again and pray that my powers disappear? I am getting stronger Father and I am not afraid of who I am anymore. My time has come. Walls cannot keep me prisoner. One day I hope you will understand.” She turned away from the courtyard and ran deeper into the castle, leaving her father behind. She found an empty hall and sank to the ground against the wall. He was furious. How would she face him again? She had disrespected him and embarrassed him. She could have cried but the tears wouldn't come. My time has come. She had said to him. Why had she said that? She didn't even know what she meant when the words came out.

  “Princess? Are you alright?” Prince John appeared at the end of the hall, walking toward her.

  “My lord, I’m sorry. Everything was so beautiful in the courtyard, I was feeling overwhelmed.” She fibbed.

  He sat down and leaned against the wall beside her. “It is an overwhelming day.” He took her hand into his. “My father will announce my engagement today,” he smiled sadly, “To a young lady whose heart belongs to someone else.”

  “My lord, you are mistaken. Lady Gwendolyn cares for you. Everyone knows you will make a fine king.”

  He laughed at this. “Yes I will make a fine king, but that still won’t make me my brother. She thinks she is clever, but I know how she feels for him. It’s his love for me that stops her from getting her wish.” He stood and extended a hand to her to help her up. “But she will make the loveliest queen.”

  She looked him in the eyes. “My father will have me married this year and I will have no say about it. We can only hope the people who marry us we will grow to love, and they will grow to love us.”

  He looked at her for a moment and then kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t lose heart my lady. There is still hope for you. You were born for much more than what you have been given. If a time comes where I can see to any part of your happiness, I will do it. Now it’s time for both of us to be brave.” She smiled and let him walk her back to the courtyard. She had to be careful to avoid her father. It was her birthday and she would not let him ruin this night any further. She left the East Kingdom as Lucinda the cursed princess, but she was no longer that girl. No one will consider her gift a curse again. She needed to make her father understand.

  Prince John and Lady Gwendolyn’s betrothal was announced as predicted. If Lady Gwendolyn felt any sadness on the occasion she hid it well. Her blue eyes sparkled and she looked devotedly at her future husband. She was draped in a yellow ball gown and her deep chestnut curls cascaded down her back. Prince John was right, Lucinda thought. Gwendolyn will make a lovely queen. She thought about her last encounter with Gwendolyn. She remembered her coming into her room as the seamstress was fitting her for her gown. Lucinda had been cruel to her. She remembered that much, but what exactly she had said or done she couldn't quite remember.

  Many of the young maidens of the village came to her to present little trinkets to celebrate her birthday. “We will miss you so much Lucinda!” Jenna cried as she embraced her. Lucinda had grown very fond of many of the young ladies of the west. They
cared for her despite the whispers about her by their neighbors and of Gwendolyn’s feelings for her.

  “I will miss you all too.” Lucinda meant the words. Her sisters had been her only friends for so long. She missed the affection of other girls her age. When she was a young girl she used to play with many of the maidens and little girls of the kingdom under her mother’s supervision. That all was lost after her mother’s passing. She had hardly seen those girls in five years. Many were married and Lucinda was not allowed to attend the ceremonies. She feared she was only a forgotten memory to them.

  “Princess,” Two beautiful tall girls with dark hair and dark skin bowed before her. One who Lucinda suspected was older had light brown eyes and the other had green eyes. The girls looked about her age and were so similar in appearance that Lucinda knew they were sisters.

  “It is an honor for us to meet you. “ The older one spoke. “I am Carrista and this is my sister Jezreen. We are King Adelphi’s daughters from the South Kingdom.”

  Lucinda bowed before them. “Princesses, it is such an honor to meet you both. I have waited for the chance but I never thought I would receive it.”

  “We have waited for the chance Princess.” Jezreen spoke. “You have friends in the South. Our father wanted you to know that and if you can forgive our past grievances then this time we will choose the right side. Your enemies will be our enemies.” For a moment Lucinda thought that perhaps they mistook her for someone else. They both then placed their hands upon their hearts in front of her. Lucinda saw that they wore identical gold and green bracelets made of yarn; similar to the one Lucinda received from the young common girl when she first arrived in the west.

  “Princess,” Lucinda turned away from the sisters and was greeted by a woman and a young child. The woman had green eyes and dark red hair braided to the side of her face and continued down her left shoulder. The young child looked only a little older than her sister Erica. She also had her hair braided but it was white as snow and her eyes were a piercing blue. “I am Merline, sister of King Joseph of the North Kingdom. I had the honor of escorting his daughter, my niece Princess Prisma to you. “