The Whispers of Shadows (The Fifth Kingdom Book 1) Page 4
“Do you have a governess at home to train you?”
“The governess I have at home is a traditional governess. I have never formally trained before I came to your kingdom. My father would rather forget my power than nurture it.”
“I'm sorry to hear that Princess.” He was silent for a moment. “Is it just fire you can create?”
She laughed gently. “Much more than fire. More than I even know.”
“And you were born with this power?”
“For as long as I remember I was this way,” From what she knew, most sorceresses weren’t born powerful. The ability was dormant within them and needed to be invoked. But for Lucinda the powers came naturally with no coaxing.
When they reached the North Tower, Matthew carefully helped her off the horse. “My father wanted me to tell you to inform your governess of everything that happened the other night. He will expect a report upon our return.”
“Will you stay the whole day, my lord?” He looked toward the tower doors and nodded. Lucinda raised the left sleeve of his shirt to see his bandaged forearm. “Is it painful still?”
“I have survived worse wounds in training.” He smiled slightly. “It will heal fine.”
She unwrapped the bandage around the wound to reveal the dark, scorched skin. She placed a cold hand down upon it and closed her eye. “I am so sorry.” She said softly.
He placed his hand on top of hers and said nothing. She looked up at him. “Why did you lie for me? You told your uncle that the fire started because of prayer candles.” It would have been a strange lie if Commander Jonathan knew the practices of the East Kingdom. The people of the West and North Kingdoms believed in the One God and were known to light candles to represent his presence. Lucinda didn’t need to light prayer candles. Most of the inhabitants of the East and South Kingdoms believed in the gods of the elements. The gods of the elements were represented by water, fire, air and earth. Candles were not needed to represent their presence.
“I don’t know. I just said it.” He admitted. “I saw how worried you were and I didn’t want you to be afraid.” He gently pressed against her hand that was covering his wound. “You should go to your lesson.” He said as he dropped his hand from hers.
When she removed her hand from his wound, his skin had returned to normal flesh color and only a small scar remained. He looked down at it, speechless. “A warrior needs battle scars.” She kissed him lightly on his cheek, and then turned away from him. She went to enter the doors to the North Tower, feeling his eyes upon her.
“Good morning my Princess,” Geenessa greeted her warmly. “I missed you yesterday. What detained you?” Lucinda tried to control her tears, but felt them rolling down her face as she explained all she could remember of the events two nights prior. The dream, the fire, Matthew’s burn, it all seemed so far away and unreal to her now.
Geenessa embraced her. “Hush now Princess. The woman in your dream was a sorceress of old who met a tragic end. She wanted to share her story with you. It’s nothing for you to fear. You will soon learn to master your dreams. It is very important for you to practice controlling fire. It is a dangerous element if left untamed, and that sorceress learned that in a sad way.” Geenessa said the words with sweetness but Lucinda noticed her hands were trembling. She wanted to ask more about the Sorceress, but Geenessa let her go and started the day’s lessons. Geenessa led Lucinda out the back door of the North Tower. In the middle of the field was one brick. “Today you are going to take this brick and make many bricks.” Multiplication was a simple task that Lucinda mastered many summers ago. She lifted one open palm to the brick and created dozens, feeling very pleased with herself.
“Good.” Geenessa smiled. “Now make it a home.”
Lucinda’s smile faded. “I don't understand.”
Geenessa laughed. “Well what good are a few bricks? People need homes Lucinda. If you are to show the kingdoms that your gift is indeed a gift than you need to show that you are generous with it. Shelter them, clothe them, feed them, provide for their needs, but,” she looked Lucinda straight in the eye. “Never give into their wants.”
The day continued with many failed attempts stacking and cementing the bricks together. Geenessa continued to instruct Lucinda to focus and position her hands differently and to believe in herself. “Focus on something that calms you. That will be a key to stabilizing your ability. What calms you, my dear?”
Lucinda knew the answer without much thought. “The sea. The Green Sea always calms me. When I am in my bedchamber back home, I can spend all day looking at the sea. My mother said, my eyes always reminded her of it.”
“Focus on the sea, then.” Geenessa said softly.
She thought about the Green Sea. The specs of emerald and blue that glistened as the sun hit it. Lucinda always felt one with the deep waters. Just like her, the sea had many stories surrounding it. Many believed it was magic that contributed to its unnatural deep green color. No one knew the truth of it and made up their own stories. Just as they did with her. Suddenly the earth started to move around them. Erupting from the ground, brick after brick until a tower stood just slightly less than the height of the North Tower.
Geenessa stood behind her and stared in amazement. “Well, it’s not exactly what I wanted but it will do for a day’s work.” Lucinda let an excited scream leave her body. She swung around to wrap her arms around Geenessa as they both laughed in excitement.
“I did it! I did it!”
“You should focus on the sea more often Princess. It seems you can draw your strength from it. It may prove to be a powerful ally.” Lucinda pulled away from Geenessa and spun in a circle with her hands in the air. She stopped and stared in the distance where she saw Prince Matthew standing, marveling at the new tower.
Chapter Seven
“It takes many men days upon end to create a simple tower and you created it in one lesson!” Matthew spoke in astonishment, as he lifted Lucinda onto his horse, at the end of her session. “Why would your father hide you away for so long? Why do people fear you? Your gift is marvelous. You’re marvelous.”
“My gift is dangerous if it is not controlled,” The Princess added. “How quickly you forget what I did to the kingdom.”
“I told you not to think of it anymore.” He rode quickly away from the North Tower aware of her arms around him and her head pressed against his back. He said nothing more for a while. He slowed the horse down slightly. “If you are not too tired Princess, would you accompany me to the training grounds? I have had no practice today and you might enjoy being around the company. You spend so much time on your own.”
He felt her grip tighten around him. “If that is what you wish then I won’t refuse you, but the other maidens won’t want me there. They are kind enough, but Lady Gwendolyn doesn't enjoy my company so much anymore.”
Matthew knew this was true. He had asked Gwendolyn on occasion how Lucinda was doing assuming the girl would have taken account of it. Yet, Gwendolyn’s response was cold as of late. Why are you so concerned about her, she would say. Do you fancy her? Perhaps your father will betroth her to you then. After her latest outburst, he never asked her again.
“She is jealous of you. She thinks of herself as the most fascinating girl in the kingdom and you have taken that away from her. I will sit you by the opposite gate of the other maidens. You won’t have to talk to her or any of the other girls if you don’t want to.” He rode the horse a short distance from the training grounds and walked Lucinda by the hand the rest of the way. His uncle took notice of them as they entered.
“My lady, what an honor to have you join us today. Perhaps you would be more comfortable seated with the other maidens? Unless of course you are a special guest today?” Matthew saw Lucinda look tentatively at the other girls across the field. Some waived frantically at her, but others turned and whispered to each other and returned cold stares.
“She’s my guest today uncle. She will have the place of honor as I c
hallenge my brothers one by one.”
A young knight in training, Victor, bowed before her, “When I take victory over the Prince my lady, I will dedicate it to you.” More young knights chimed in declaring to name every victory in Lucinda’s honor. Matthew watched carefully as the young knights knelt before her and asked her to kiss the hilt of their sword for good luck as a mock tourney was about to begin. The Princess seemed overwhelmed and delighted at the gesture. His uncle placed a hand on his shoulder.
“It was kind of you to bring her here. We were worried the girl wouldn't recover after the other night.” He studied Matthew. He looked as if he wanted to say more, but instead pushed him toward the center of the grounds. “Now win for her!” He shouted at Matthew. “Come all, let us begin! Who will be the first to challenge your young commander?”
Matthew had two times as much practice as the other trainees, and three times as some. He fought each one by one, commenting on form and swing as each man responded, “Yes, Commander.” It was just within the past year that the men started to call him commander as well as his uncle. It was still odd to his ears. He unarmed eight of his men as the sun started coming down, and his uncle called the tournament to an end. He knelt before the Princess before the hoots and howls of his men and presented her with his sword.
“Kiss her!” The young men yelled toward Matthew.
“The victor deserves a kiss, my lady!” They shouted toward Lucinda. His uncle hushed them, but to Matthew’s surprise the Princess laughed and leaned toward him.
“My lady, you don't have to.” He said quickly to her.
She gently placed the palms of her hands on his face and said softly, “A kiss for my victor,” before pressing her lips against his. When he opened his eyes, the Princess was up and off toward the castle with a trail of maidens running behind her.
His men were cheering and many came and patted him behind the back. “I think our Prince is smitten.” They teased. Matthew knew what he felt for her. He was drawn to her since the moment she came to their kingdom. He cared for her. Yet, he couldn’t focus on what he felt, but only on what he saw when she kissed him. It was only for a short moment, but an image came into his mind; like a memory that wasn't his own. A smiling young knight and maiden, with clothing centuries outdated.
“Nycilla, you’ve returned.” The young knight said as he approached the maiden.
“Thomas, I will always return to you.” She responded.
“Matthew.” His uncle was shaking him. He smiled at him. “Your first kiss? Cherish it, but do not make it a habit. The girl is to leave soon and she is unlikely to return. It is best not to become attached to her. ”
Chapter Eight
“I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!” Jenna caught up with Lucinda as she tried to make an escape to the castle. “You kissed the prince! Oh you will be betrothed, it’s certain!” Lucinda slowed her pace as the maidens swarmed around her.
“No, we will not. I am leaving in a short time and I won’t be returning.” There were protests around her, but the girls didn't know her father. He would choose Lucinda’s husband if he chose for her to marry at all. He feared his daughter and what she was capable of doing with her abilities. He certainly would not agree to marry her to the Prince whom she could hurt or kill as her powers evolved. Yet, Lucinda felt no fear in kissing Matthew. There would be no consequence, she knew. She would leave and he would forget about her, but she could cherish this day on her darkest nights. She would never forget the young men of the Western Guard battling in her honor and the young commander victorious.
“You can’t leave.” A young maiden cut into her thoughts. “The Prince fancies you. You will break his heart.”
Maybe, Lucinda thought. Until his next kiss. Then she would be nothing but a memory. As she approached the castle gates the other maidens dispersed. All except Gwendolyn who was trailing behind in a distance.
Lucinda gave the King the account of her day, including the small tournament for her, but leaving out the kiss. It was her first time seeing him since the incident. She approached him cautiously when told to enter. He greeted her warmly but considered everything she said carefully. “And the governess said there’s nothing you should worry about with these dreams?”
“Yes, your majesty. She said I will soon learn to control it.” Lucinda bowed low to the ground and averted her eyes from the King’s. “I apologize for the grievance, your majesty. I understand if you no longer want me to stay with you. I have brought much grief to the kingdom. My father warned me that I would do as much.”
“None of this needs to be spoken to your father, do you understand? He never understood your gift and he refuses to even now. That’s why your mother wanted you here.” Lucinda didn't understand and waited for the King to continue. “I have decided to invite Governess Geenessa to stay in the kingdom with us for the duration of your stay. Word has been sent to her. If you are to have another dream, I assume she will be better suited to handle it then my son.”
“Yes, your majesty. I understand.” He dismissed her and as she left she wondered why exactly her mother wanted her to train here. Certainly there were sorceresses back home that were equally as suited to train her?
As she returned to her quarters, there was a woman within her bedchamber. She bowed before Lucinda. “Good Evening Princess. I’ve heard you have had an eventful few days. I hope you are well?”
“I am well, thank you. I’m sorry, I don’t believe we have ever met.”
“My apologies, my lady. My name is Ashlen. I am the kingdom’s most well-known seamstress. I have made many dresses for our dear late queen and it is my honor to return to make one for you. I have laid out all sorts of fabrics on your bed, my dear. You can choose whatever ones you desire for the party, but I do have some suggestions if you don't mind.”
“You are making a dress for me? I have brought plenty from my kingdom.”
“Oh nonsense child! You cannot wear your old gowns for the party. The King has instructed that I make whatever you desire for your birthday celebration. “ She came around Lucinda and wrapped a deep green fabric around her. She waived over Lucinda’s handmaiden to help her measure.
“My birthday celebration? The King is throwing a party for me?” It was approaching the end of summer and Lucinda’s birthday was coming near she knew. Her father never celebrated any of their birthdays in truth. There were hardly any celebrations held in their castle that she could remember; not since her mother passed away. He would buy them something new like a piece of jewelry, an ornament for their hair, or sometimes new shoes. The one moment of affection he would show her as he gave them to her.
Do you like it? He would ask. In truth, she cherished whatever he gave her because at that moment he was thinking of her somewhat fondly. She would give some ostentatious response like, Never in my life have I seen something as beautiful as this. For one short moment he would smile and hold her hands and say, Happy Birthday precious one, and gently kiss her forehead. The next day he would return to his self, cold as stone, but those birthdays she would treasure.
Ashlen pinned the deep green fabric around her. “Well, your birthday falls on the same day as Prince Matthew’s, so the King thought it appropriate to celebrate both together. A little farewell party for you as well. Your father will be invited and your stepmother and siblings. Tell me, are your sisters as beautiful as you?”
“More so,” Lucinda heard herself answer, but her thoughts were turning far away. She would celebrate with the Prince. They were both turning their 16th year. It was a big milestone for him. Matthew would officially take rank as commander. She felt guilty that he would have to share this day with her, but she was excited to celebrate her birthday like the other princesses of the kingdoms. Invitations to join the celebrations would always come to her kingdom. Many of the maidens of the land would attend the yearly birthday celebrations of Princesses Carrista and Jezreen of the South or little Princess Prisma, born to the young King Joseph of the
North, but her father never allowed her to join. It’s too dangerous, Lucinda, He would tell her. For a moment there would be pity in his eyes, but he never wavered. It was a shame her sisters had to suffer in consequence. He would not allow any of them to attend.
The next weeks passed quickly. Geenessa moved into the kingdom, but there lessons were still in the North Tower. They would travel together every day and evening. Every other day she would come to the training grounds. She distanced herself from Gwendolyn, but Jenna and some of the other girls would come and stand by her as she watched Matthew train. He would only politely wave or smile when he saw her, yet talk about them circled the kingdom since the day of the small tournament. She paid them no mind. She would leave in a few short days and soon would be forgotten.
The day before the celebration to her surprise the Prince caught her by the hand as Lucinda prepared to leave for her last lesson with Geenessa.
“A word before you leave, Princess?”
Geenessa smiled at the Prince and bowed. “I will wait for you by the gate Princess.”
Lucinda smiled at him. “What is it Matthew?”
“Our birthday is tomorrow and I humbly request that you have the first meal with me in the morning.”
“Surely you would want to dine with your father or brother—“
“No,” He cut in. “It is our birthday and you are leaving soon after. This will be our only chance alone.”
She smiled shyly at him. “I couldn't think of a more pleasant way to start our birthday.”
He returned her smile and kissed her on the forehead. “Tomorrow then, my Queen.”
She looked at him strangely. Queen, he had called her. “A summer in the west does not make me a queen, my lord. My position is unchanged.”
He looked startled. “Right. Princess. I'm sorry. I will see you come morning.” He bowed curtly and walked away from her as she went to meet Geenessa by the castle gate. They rode together to the North Tower as a castle guard rode a short distance behind them. As they entered the tower, Geenessa instructed her to take a seat.