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The Whispers of Shadows (The Fifth Kingdom Book 1) Page 2
The Whispers of Shadows (The Fifth Kingdom Book 1) Read online
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“And I yours.” Lucinda was led up the large castle steps and in the direction of the throne room. She tried to ignore the whispers and the frightful eyes hid beneath plastered smiles within the castle walls. She was a fool to think it would be different here. Stories traveled quickly amongst the kingdoms. Since she was born, the stories about her and why her father locked her away circulated. She was not sure if anyone knew the truth of it. The few moments her father would let her leave the kingdom walls, the whispers had become her most common companion and she needed to accept that it was unlikely to change.
Commander Jonathan held her hand tightly as he led her into the large throne room where the King awaited her arrival. “Don’t be nervous Princess,” The commander said to her. “My brother is not too frightful of a man.” He smiled as they entered. At the head of the throne room sat King John, the Queen’s seat to his left remained empty and two young men who Lucinda knew were the princes stood to their father’s right. Lucinda had heard that the King had suffered from an illness since he was a young man, but he looked strong. The King stood up and she bowed low to the ground when she approached him. She was caught by the elbows and lifted her face to meet the King’s eyes.
“There is no need for formalities here my lady. While you are with me you will be as my own daughter.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. Lucinda resisted the tears that started to swell in her eyes. Only once before had she ever met King John. He came to the Kingdom shortly after her mother had passed. He came to give his condolences to her father, and her father shared his condolences in turn. He wished to see Lucinda and her two sisters, Drissa and the new baby Erica. He had taken Lucinda only ten at the time into his arms and told her, In all my life I have never seen a princess as beautiful as you. I know in my heart you will grow to be kind and gentle and you have been given the gift to be powerful too, if you choose to take it.
“Your highness,” her voice shook. “I have been waiting for this day patiently but eagerly. It was my mother’s wish for me to come here. I promise you, you will not regret taking me in for this short time.”
He smiled at her warmly. “I know I will have nothing to regret my dear. I hope you find your time here pleasant.” He turned her toward his sons. “My sons will be responsible to ensure that you are well taken care of while you are with us. Whatever you need, you can bring it to them. You know my eldest son John, and this is my younger son Matthew.”
Never in her life had Lucinda seen princes so handsome. If she remembered from what her governess told her, Prince John had reached his 17th year and Prince Matthew was at his 15th, born the same year to the day as Lucinda. Yet they looked like full men grown, tall and strong. John shared his father’s dark hair and eyes and Matthew shared the same dark eyes but with golden hair. She had met John once before briefly, two years ago. The future king was touring the neighboring kingdoms surrounding the Green Sea and her father had presented her to him for a moment before sending her back to her chamber. She had never met the younger prince. She was certain of it. Yet, there was something familiar about him. Perhaps there was someone in the kingdom who resembled him, she thought.
Prince Matthew knelt before her. “It is good to meet you Princess. I promise you will be well protected here. Your father has no need to worry, though tales of your beauty have crossed the kingdoms.” Lucinda hoped they could not see her blush through her tan skin. She infrequently received compliments and did not know how to appropriately respond.
“Princess, perhaps when you are settled my brother and I can show you around the castle.” Prince John smiled at her warmly.
“Yes, that would be wonderful.” She responded shyly to the future king. She shifted her gaze to meet Prince Matthew’s. “It is so wonderful to be here with you.”
Chapter Three
There was something different about her. Matthew could sense that she was no ordinary girl. Her interaction with others her age seemed to be very little. After she had rested from her journey, she had met Matthew and John outside the castle gates. He extended a hand to her and she retracted her hand quickly.
“I’m sorry my lady. I did not mean to startle you.”
“No.” She said apologetically. “It’s fine.” She breathed deeply and reached out her hand to his. Her grip was tight and uncomfortable, but he thought it rude to tell her so. Instead, he endured the ache she caused in his right hand as they walked.
Gwendolyn joined them as they showed the Princess around the kingdom. Any hostility she had felt toward Matthew had seemed to be forgotten. More likely, it was hidden away for a more appropriate occasion. Lucinda responded cautiously to all of their questions. Her smiles were infrequent and quickly fading. She would meet his gaze and avert her eyes; her beautiful, piercing green eyes. Green eyes were uncommon in the East kingdom. Dark hair, skin and eyes were normal. On rare occasions, blue eyes could be found, since the East Kingdom frequently wed with the North Kingdom. Green, however, was much rarer. Green eyes were common in the South and in some parts of the West kingdom alone. Yet Lucinda had green eyes to accompany her black hair and brown skin. When she spoke, it was a woman’s voice far above her age. Each word was thoughtfully spoken. Matthew asked her about her family. She spoke dearly about her sisters, especially the youngest. She spoke favorably about her stepmother and her baby brothers, but for her father the words were few.
“He is a good man. The whole kingdom thinks so.” She said, looking straight ahead.
“He treats you kindly?” Matthew asked.
“Because of him I have grown to not want or expect anything. He has shown me that I need very little to be happy.”
It was an odd response. John shot Matthew a sharp look to stop pressing her about the King of the East. Matthew responded to her. “We’ve heard only good things about your father. Tell us about your late mother.” Her eyes brightened and the Princess spoke several minutes about the late queen. Matthew listened but his thoughts lingered to his own mother. The late queens must be smiling down upon their children, he thought.
“My mother always wished I would come here. She made my father promise her that he would send me here. You’re kingdom is fulfilling her final wish.” Her eyes met with Matthew’s for a moment before she continued. “I will be forever indebted to you.”
“She sounded like a beautiful lady. I am sorry we never got to meet her.” Gwendolyn’s eyes brimmed with tears and she embraced the Princess. Lucinda braced herself as if not used to such displays of affection by strangers.
“You are too kind. It is a pity I never got to meet Queen Elena.” Matthew had not heard his mother’s name spoken in so many years. It sounded strange to him. When she was referred to, those around him would say ‘Your Mother,’ or ‘The Late Queen.’
“We pray that we will continue to grow into men that would make her proud.” John stated. “Although, I must admit it is difficult to have you here without her. She never said as much, but we always believed she wished for a daughter. She would have enjoyed your company very much.”
The Princess smiled. “My father always wished my mother had a son. Though he likes my stepmother well enough and is happy that he has had sons by her, I know that he wishes he had a son to take the throne by the woman he loved.” Her eyes widened suddenly as if she realized she had said too much. “I shouldn’t be saying such things. I’m sorry.” She said somewhat frightened.
“So why have you been hidden from us for so long?” Matthew cut in. “Are the stories true about you? Do you really turn into a creature at night?”
“Matthew!” His brother and Gwendolyn scolded in unison
The Princess looked confused for a moment then laughed gently. A beautiful crisp laugh that ended as quickly as it began. “It’s alright.” She stopped and to Matthew’s surprise reached out for his hand again. She placed it between hers gently. He felt warmth rise to his face as she met his gaze. “Not every story that travels from afar is true, my prince. Many only begin with very little truth.�
� She squeezed his hand. “Yes, my father has been very protective of me, but he does what he believes is best for me. Perhaps by the end of the summer you’ll know the truth about it.”
“My lady,” a young maiden knelt before them. “It is an honor to have you visiting our kingdom. We have been waiting patiently for this day.” She extended her hand out to Lucinda and opened her palm. “I made this for you.” She revealed a bracelet braided with thick gold and green yarn.
For a moment she looked startled, but Lucinda grabbed the young girl’s hand and lifted her up. “It is lovely. Will you put it on me?” The girl smiled broadly and wrapped the bracelet around Lucinda’s wrist.
“It’s beautiful on you. Fit for a Queen.”
Lucinda laughed at this. “Well, I hope it won’t mind the wrist of a princess. Thank you. I will treasure it.”
“Thank you, my lady. You have many friends here.” She turned to Matthew then. “The shadows do not forget.” With that, she ran away from them.
John grabbed Lucinda and Gwendolyn’s hands. “Come. It’s getting late. Let’s go back to the castle.” The brothers exchanged concerned looks, before turning back toward the castle.
Chapter Four
The first month of the summer went by quickly. Every day, Lucinda spent hours with a governess in the North Tower of the kingdom. It was not a traditional governess as she had at home. The woman had graying hair, wore lose clothing and had the same green eyes as Lucinda. Eyes that were unchanged with age. She was responsible on training Lucinda to control her powers.
The King did not address Lucinda’s gift directly when he told her about the arrangement. One morning, a few days after she arrived she received word to meet the king. He had informed her that she would be starting her lessons today, and asked her if she understood. She nodded and he responded with a smile, and that was the end of it. On the first day of her meeting with the governess, the old woman bowed low to the ground for Lucinda and called her something she didn't understand.
“Nycilla. Oh how I have awaited for this day my queen. Show me, show me what you remember.”
“You are confused. My name is Lucinda, my lady. I am only a princess. I am King Hamlyn’s daughter from the East Kingdom.”
“Hush child. Show me what you are able to do. Anything, just show me.”
Lucinda raised her hand toward an empty water mason. It shook and then fell, spilling gallons of water to the stone ground. It was not her most impressive trick but she was out of practice.
“It wasn't supposed to fall but—“
“Oh how they’ve suppressed you! You have much to remember my Lady! Oh one summer is not enough! No, I apologize my Queen Of course it will be more than enough for you. We just need to work hard! Many hours we will work!”
“I am not a Quee—“
“Hush child! Raise your hand again toward the jar. Now close your eyes. Focus now! It is important to focus. Imagine that the jar is upright now. Focus! Yes, but filled with life not water. Picture life!” Lucinda did as she was told. The room became quiet. She felt a breeze pass through her; then again and again. She opened her eyes and saw that it wasn't a breeze, but white doves coming out of the stone jar, passing her and flying around the tower. She lowered her hands and the jar emptied and the birds flew out the window of the North Tower.
“I—I’ve never been able to do that! Animals! I created birds!”
“If the prophecy is to be true, you will be creating much more then birds, my Queen. You will be creating pillars and kingdoms. The Kingdom.”
The sessions went on the same way day after day in the North Tower located a few miles from the West Kingdom. The governess, whose name was Nigina, never responded to any of Lucinda’s questions, but Lucinda was becoming stronger and more in control. At the end of every day Commander Jonathan would come and get her and bring her home to have dinner with the royal family. If anyone were to ask what she did during her sessions, she was told by Nigina to tell them that she was learning to craft her skills. Nigina told her that enemies were always lurking. She could never be certain on whom to trust, so it was better for Lucinda to trust no one. No one did ask for details and Lucinda wondered if they were instructed by the King not to ask.
Every day when the commander came to get her after her lesson, he asked how her day went. Every day she would respond, “It went well,” but she was growing fond of the commander and in spite of what Nigina told her, she did trust him. Some things Nigina said concerned her and she wanted to share them with someone.
“How was your day my lady?” The commander asked her as he always did.
“It has been going well, my lord, but Governess Nigina still does not know my name. After all this time, she still calls me Nycilla or Queen, and I don’t understand why.” The commander put the horse to a sudden stop and jumped off of it. He pulled Lucinda down next to him and knelt to meet her eyes.
“She calls you Queen Nycilla?”
“She calls me Queen most frequently, but Nycilla as well, my lord.” Fear filled Lucinda, but she proceeded to tell the Commander everything. Nigina’s talk of prophecy and raising kingdoms and every spell she had taught her thus far, Lucinda recanted to the Commander. The Commander listened intently, but said nothing. Finally, he lifted her back on his horse and they rode in silence. Lucinda did not have dinner with the King that night, but was served in her room. For the next several days Lucinda did not attend her classes. Instead she was instructed to spend her days with Lady Gwendolyn and the other maidens of the kingdom.
“It’s so nice to spend more time with you, Princess Lucinda. We have hardly seen you at all these past weeks. You must be working very hard with the governess to learn the ways of the West. “
Learn the ways of the West. That was what had been told to the others about her long days with the governess. “Yes.” Lucinda responded not quite sure what the ways of the west were. “It’s delightful to have some time away from it.”
Gwendolyn gripped her hand excitedly. “You will come with us to the training grounds to watch the young men practice. It will be terribly fun. Perhaps we can find you an admirer.” Lucinda blushed through her tanned skin. Her father would choose a husband for her when he felt the time was right. That is what she was always taught. Why should she find herself an admirer?
“Oh yes,” a young fair haired girl named Jenna chipped in. “We will find a nice boy to court you. By the end of the summer you will be a betrothed girl and then you can come and live here with us! Wouldn't you like that?”
The concept was appealing. She could not deny that. Being free from the shadow of her father’s judgments was what she always wanted. Yet, she knew that she had one duty at the kingdom; to learn to control her powers. That was her mother’s last wish. She could not allow herself to be distracted from that.
The girls rushed her to the training grounds where the elder men were sparring with the younger men. “These are all the future knights of the Western Guard.” Gwendolyn whispered feverishly. “Prince Matthew is the best one out of them all. He is to be the next Commander.”
“He trains almost all the day! The commander should be the strongest after all!” Jenna added. “He is so handsome. Every girl wishes to be his wife.”
“Don't be senseless Jenna.” Gwendolyn scolded. “Every girl wishes to be Queen and no common girl would be considered to be the wife of either prince. You should remember that.”
“Oh he looks at us! He looks at us!” Another one amongst them shouted.
Prince Matthew was a short distance away and it did seem that he caught notice of them. He raised one hand to the gates where the girls stood and received a squeal of delight. His expression showed no genuine interest, but his eyes lingered for a few moments before his attention went back to his sparring partner.
Jenna nearly fainted. “Oh it has been so many weeks since he gave us any notice at all. Did you see the way he stared?”
“He couldn't ignore us for long.” Gwendolyn respond
ed with a smile on her face.
Jenna squeezed Lucinda’s hand eagerly. “It was Princess Lucinda who caught his attention. Oh, how I wish you could come to the gates with us every day Lucinda!”
“Wouldn't it be so delightful for you to marry the prince?” Another one amongst them spoke to her. “You and Gwendolyn could be sisters!” Lucinda didn't know what to respond. She was well aware of Gwendolyn’s eyes on her. Gwendolyn was promised to the future king, but Lucinda knew that she was oddly attached to his brother. For every one time she mentioned Prince John, Gwendolyn would mention Prince Matthew twice as much.
“I have no right to even consider these things. I am only a guest at this kingdom and I know my place.” Lucinda responded tentatively.
“You are too modest Princess! The King already considers you as a daughter! You are already a princess in your own right. You would be a wonderful match!”
“Enough of this,” Gwendolyn said. “I’m growing tired. Let’s go from here.” As they started to leave the training grounds, Lucinda allowed herself to take a last look at the men sparring. She caught the eye of the Prince once more. This time she was certain he was looking at her. He smiled warmly and unthinkingly she pressed her hand against the gate at him and returned his smile. The Prince looked surprised for a moment before he was knocked down by his opponent. Lucinda turned away and chased after Gwendolyn and the other maidens.
From that day onward, Gwendolyn did not invite her to be with the other maidens. Her whole demeanor toward Lucinda changed. Her warm hugs turned into cordial greetings and when Jenna or another maiden asked Lucinda to come walk with them, Gwendolyn would make up some excuse on her behalf. “The Princess is not feeling her best today” or “shouldn't you be focusing on your studies, Princess?” Lucinda would oblige to these lies not wanting to be a hindrance to the future queen, but the loneliness started to surround her. At home, at least she had her sisters or stepmother to keep her company. In this kingdom, she did not have even that.