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The Whispers of Shadows (The Fifth Kingdom Book 1)

  The Fifth Kingdom

  The Whispers of Shadows

  Lisa M. James

  Copyright ©2015 by Lisa James

  All rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews—without written permission from its publisher.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or to other works is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Copyright © 2015 by Lisa James

  All rights reserved.

  To Daddy, for always having a blind faith that I would become an author someday. This one’s for you.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  *… The shadows never forget…although we have forgotten...*


  When he regained consciousness the only thing Matthew sensed was the taste of sand in his mouth and a sharp pain jabbing up his right leg. The sudden jerk of his ship amidst the storm surprised him and like a fool he had tumbled over into the dark waters. Every year for the past seven years he had taken men and plundered the Green Sea in search for her, but this was the first time the sea fought back. The skies had darkened threatening them, and it was as if a hand had come out of the water and pulled him into the abyss.

  Somehow he had managed to wash up on shore…but where? He urged his arms to raise his body up, but collapsed under his own weight. It was dark. He could hardly see in front of him. But then he heard them. They cautiously approached him before quickly surrounding him. The dialect was unclear, but as one of them lowered their face to his it was evident what island he had landed. The white scar across their faces, and teeth sharpened to points forming menacing smiles were the signs of one village alone.

  “Mercy—” Matthew started. Pressure pushed down on his calf and his head was yanked up sharply to face his captives. He tried to stifle a scream, but his leg was unmistakably injured. The weight of one of their bodies pushed against it. Why did it have to be the island of Narka? He wondered. If his body had come ashore on any of the other cannibalistic islands within the Green Sea his life would have been spared. Someone with injury or imperfection would not be feasted on in the other islands, but this was not the practice of Narka. They felt their gods gave them the wounded just to feed their appetites. They would eat their own children if they were born with defects.

  They yanked him hard off the ground and dragged him through the sand into the jungle. His captives were six in number, howling and waving their torches in triumph of their catch. All the islanders surrounded him. They were tan from the sun with white scars across their faces and teeth at points, eyeing him hungrily. Forcibly, he was thrown forward at the feet of one who was seated above where the villagers stood. The man was bare-chested with identical scars across his face and chest. He stepped down from his high place and lifted his staff above Matthew’s head. Matthew felt the sharp blow upon his skull. Quickly, he was stripped of his armor and his whole body was open to assault. The taste of sand was replaced by blood on his tongue as they relentlessly struck him. He was a golden haired foreigner invading their village and they would enjoy dining on him. The preparation would be slow and painful before they found him fit to feast on.

  He was losing consciousness. He struggled to fight but his arms and legs were weighed down by two among them. He prayed silently asking the One God for peace for his brother after his death. John would never stop searching. Once word reached the Kingdom of Matthew’s disappearance into the water the entire Green Sea would be searched and every surrounding Island would be questioned. Would it lead back to here? Would the truth of what happened ever be revealed to John or would he resolve to believe that Matthew had drowned? Never. Even when the search was over, John would be haunted by his brother’s disappearance until he saw the body himself. Matthew knew that would never happen. The Narka islanders would devour him until he was unrecognizable.

  Sharp screams bellowed through the island. Abruptly the crowd dispersed around him. He struggled to lift his head but it weighed heavy on his neck. Suddenly, there was a commotion followed by a silence. The leader who was seated above him was now kneeling on the ground next to Matthew. He raised his hands up in mercy to someone who was outside Matthew’s vision. He started to slowly speak which quickly turned into feverish babbling. Though he could not understand what he was saying, Matthew knew the leader was speaking in fear for his life. He pointed at Matthew and shook his head. A pair of bare tanned feet came into vision. A woman was approaching the leader, wearing a blue dress that floated loosely behind her as she made each step. Matthew struggled to see her face but his eyes were swelling from their assault.

  She had said nothing yet, but the people cowered at each step she took. The man continued to speak feverishly. Suddenly, he started weeping and lowered his head until the woman bent down and raised it up to face her. A mass of black hair covered her face from Matthew’s vision. She spoke one line in their language slowly. The leader’s eyes widened and he whimpered. She whipped his head to one side and he fell to the ground. Dead. Then she rose again. She said something loud and sharply to the people as a whole, but her bare feet were walking toward Matthew. Gently his head was lifted up as he struggled to not slip away.

  “It’s alright. They will never hurt you again. I promise.”

  She pressed her lips against his forehead and he forced his eyes open to face the woman who spoke. The familiar glow of emerald eyes stared back at him. It was not possible. Not after so long. He struggled to speak but only managed one word.


  Then the darkness consumed him.

  Chapter One

  Seven Years Earlier

  “So who is she?” Gwendolyn was brushing her dark curls and staring up at Matthew with her large doll like blue eyes.

  “She’s King Hamlyn’s eldest daughter from the East.” Rumors of the Princess had traveled to all the kingdoms; the beautiful daughter that the king kept hidden in the castle walls. “They say that she has never left the castle since her queen mother died five years ago.” Matthew remembered it well. Queen Lucille of the East passed shortly after his own mother was buried in the west. Matthew’s mother caught ill suddenly and passed quickly. Her husband, the King, was the one who had declining health since he was a young man. No one expected that the Queen would pass before him. It was a shock to the entire kingdom, especially to Matthew’s father, who chose not to remarry after her death. The Eastern Queen fell ill shortly after the birth of her third child, another daughter. King Hamlyn had married again, two years after. He had chosen a young wife of fifteen years. She had already bore him two infant sons.

  “So why is your father bringing her here?”

  “Our kingdom made a promise to her mother that when her daughter came of age we would bring her to the west for a summer.” That was all Matthew knew of the agreement. His father told him and his elder brother John that the Princess was coming. It was the wish of her mother and a promise to the dead should never be broken. He told them that she had special gifts and the west had the resources to nurture them. Regardless of why she was coming, Matthew was excited to meet her. He wanted to know why her father kept her hidden for so long. Many believ
ed it was just because she was so beautiful. Her father feared that men would attack the castle to seize her if they caught sight of her. His brother John had visited the East Kingdom a while back and said that the girl was young, but she would certainly mature to be one of the most beautiful girls in all the kingdoms. Yet, as beautiful as she may be, Matthew thought this was an ill reason to keep her locked away.

  “Perhaps she is being sized to be the next Queen of the West Kingdom; your brother’s wife.” Gwendolyn flipped her hair behind her and leaned on the castle balcony to face Matthew.

  Matthew shot a sharp look to her. “Lower your voice. You know that place is rightfully yours.”

  “Don't be cross at me my love.” She replied with false contrition. “It’s just that if your brother fancies this princess more than me that would give us leave to be together. Isn’t that what you want?”

  Gwendolyn was the daughter of his Father’s close friend, a high member of the kingdom’s council. Since her birth she was favored to be the next Queen of the West. The wife of the next King, Matthew’s brother, John. Yet, her affection always belonged to Matthew. They were born only a few months apart. Gwendolyn practically grew up within the castle walls with Matthew and John. John had always focused on his studies and preparation to take the throne. He never showed much affection or interest to his intended. Nevertheless, he was kind hearted and dutiful and he would marry her as was required. They would respect and grow to love each other. Matthew was sure of it.

  As the second son of King John, Matthew’s birthright was commander of his father’s army, the Western Guard. Every day and night that he trained Gwendolyn would come to the fields to watch him practice with the other men or spar with his Uncle Jonathan who was current commander of the guard. She was someone who desired attention, Matthew learned quickly. She became like a shadow to him. Everywhere he would go she would follow behind. He knew her attachment to him was growing by the day and he tried not to encourage it. Yet, he was fifteen and not blind. She was comely and kind and it was hard to resist her. Gwendolyn had come of age and would soon be officially betrothed to John within a short time. Day after day she pleaded with Matthew to talk to his father, to fight for her. But there would be no fight.

  He turned away from her. “Gwendolyn, enough of this. No, it is not what I want and it would not matter if it was. We are not people who are able to marry who we please. We will marry out of duty and honor. You should remember that.”

  “I will marry out of duty and honor but my heart will still be yours.”

  Wretched girl, Matthew thought. If anyone overheard her words they both would be punished. She did not understand what she was gambling. The place of Queen was a coveted position. She would be in need or want of nothing as the highest ranked woman in the kingdom. Her father worked very hard to secure that place for her. He had constantly whispered in the King’s ear what a handsome match she would make for John. Her father would never understand why she squandered it and for what? The role of commander was prestigious but compared to the King, Matthew might as well be a sellsword. Her longing for him might pass for childish games now, but in a short time she would officially be betrothed to the future king and talk like this would be treason. No matter who they were they would die by the sword for such talk.

  “Speak of that again and you will lose your tongue. Your affection is not returned and I will not entertain it any longer.” Gwendolyn recoiled from him. Angry tears started to run down her cheeks. He regretted the harshness in his tone, but how many times had he tried to make her understand?

  “Gwendolyn—“ He started in response to her tears.

  “No. You are right.” She said angrily as hot tears continued to drip down her reddened cheeks. “I have been a fool. Why do I desire you? You are nothing. I will be a wonderful, dutiful wife to your brother. I will give him many strong sons and the kingdom will forget he even had a brother!” She turned away from him. “When a hateful, cruel woman is chosen for your wife you will only think of me and wish that you reconsidered, but it will be too late!” She ran away from their spot on the castle’s balcony. Matthew never thought about his own wife much. He knew his father would choose someone for him if that is what he desired. He could choose to never wed like his Uncle Jonathan. When asked, his uncle would tell him that a life as a commander is a dangerous one and that he would never want to leave a woman widowed or a child fatherless and defenseless. Though his words were sensible not many believed them. Rumors were that his uncle had a love when he was a younger man that didn’t end in his favor. If so, his uncle never talked of it.

  Matthew considered going after Gwendolyn. Perhaps he should apologize. She would be his sister and he did not want any enmity between them. More importantly, if someone was to see her cry, who knew what she would say? She was a sweet girl if you had her favor yet she quickly turned venomous if she was crossed. Matthew sighed and looked over the balcony into the distance. She would be future queen and take the place that his mother had left vacant. He could only hope that Gwendolyn would mature to deserve that place. He prepared to turn and follow the path she had taken into the kingdom, but then in a distance he saw a carriage coming from the East. The Princess was coming.

  Chapter Two

  Lucinda could see the kingdom coming into view in the distance. She breathed deeply and remembered the words her mother spoke to her on her final days.

  “You are special my love. You are the most special girl in all the kingdoms. Never forget that. In the last hundreds of years there has never been born a girl like you. You will practice and become strong and show your father how much goodness your gift will bring to the kingdoms. Promise me Lucinda. You will do that for mama won’t you? You will be good and strong and learn to control your gift.”

  Her gift. Her mother was the only one to ever call it that. Her father had always told her that she was cursed. Ever since she was a little girl, Lucinda knew she was different. The rest of the girls in her kingdom shared the same dark hair and tanned skin as Lucinda, but they had deep brown eyes when Lucinda’s were a deep green. From a young age there were always whispers surrounding her. She never understood all of it, but Lucinda noticed small things that made her different than the others. She lit torches simply by touching them. She mended wounds of the other children just by looking at them. She would cry to her mother when something happened that she could not explain, and her mother always gently took her in her arms. It is alright my love. You will understand someday. It will get easier. Her mother was so sure of it. Yet, as she grew older her gift became harder to control. She had set fire to her mother’s rose garden when she tried to water it. She had taken down castle walls simply trying to hang a picture. She was powerful and her father feared her, but he would not let her learn to control her powers. He thought if she did not nurture them they would go away, but she knew she was only getting stronger. She waited for so many years for the summer of her fifteenth year when she would finally be able to leave the kingdom walls and travel to the West. She was told there were women there who could teach her to control her gift. Her mother made her father swear on her final days that he would send her. It was her mother’s final wish and though he shared little love for Lucinda, Lucinda’s father loved her mother deeply.

  “We are almost there my lady.” Jax, Lucinda’s guard announced to her.

  Her handmaiden cried in delight. “Oh my lady what a treasure it is for you to travel here! So few princesses are able to travel unaccompanied to the neighboring kingdoms of the Green Sea and yet your father is allowing you to spend the whole summer here! How delightful!”

  Lucinda was excited to spend the summer in the West, but fear also filled her. Her father had warned her, You will not embarrass our kingdom. Stifle your powers. Be a lady. Bring honor to our name for once in your life. You will not mention your curse unless you are asked directly by the King, do you understand? If Lucinda was being brought here to control her gift, she did not know how she could go abou
t not mentioning it. She was uncertain of how much the West knew of her and her abilities, yet her father was clear on her duty.

  In spite of his treatment of her, Lucinda loved her father. He was not an awful father. He provided for all her needs. He treated her sisters well, and her little brothers born to him by her stepmother. For what Lucinda knew, he was a good husband as well. Her mother loved him dearly when she was alive and her stepmother always seemed happy. Her stepmother was only three years senior to Lucinda and never felt truly of a mother, but she was kind. She pitied Lucinda and showed much compassion on those days her father treated her cruelly. Lucinda was fond of her and considered her a friend.

  The carriage came to a halt. The doors opened and an older gentleman about 40 years came to the door. He was strong in stature with thick brown and gray hair upon his head and surrounding his mouth. He would look like a much younger man if not for his eyes. The brown was disappearing into a gray and dark circles framed them.

  “Princess, it is an honor to finally meet you. I am Commander Jonathan of the Western Guard.” He extended his hand to her and Lucinda exited the carriage.

  “The honor is mine my lord. It is so very gracious of you to have me to your kingdom.”

  He laughed. “Save the pleasantries for my brother, for the kingdom is his. Come.” He led Lucinda up to the palace door. “You look so very much like your mother. If not for your eyes you would be her complete equal.”

  Lucinda smiled shyly at the commander. “That is so kind of you my lord. Did you know her well?”

  “Long ago, right before she was crowned queen.” He smiled brightly at her and his smile quickly faded. “I can’t imagine how difficult it is for a young lady to grow without her mother. It was a loss for all the kingdoms when the queens passed. I am sorry for your loss.”